Dominant Trading Platforms Charge Traders up to 13 Times more than CPH Crypto

Bitcoin Press Release: Recent calculations clearly document that the dominant crypto trading platforms are up to 13 times more expensive for active crypto traders to use than the new Scandinavian exchange CPH Crypto.  

16th December 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark – Every swing trader, day trader and scalper in the crypto market knows the importance of trading fees and how those fees often make it extremely difficult to pursue trading strategies based on high-frequency trading. It’s commonly known among traders that cost simply kills profit. 

Lack of competition and transparency prevents traders to profit. The problem is simple: Up until now, the competition on fees in the crypto trading market has been virtually absent, and the dominant trading platforms have been able to charge exorbitant transaction fees and get away with opaque pricing structures, which has made it extremely difficult for customers to figure out what they are actually paying in total for the services they are using.  

The reason for the problem is immaturity in the crypto market. Going back twenty years, the traditional stock, bond and FX market was on the same stage of development as the crypto market is today, and similar to the crypto market, the traditional market was dominated by few very big players that were able to charge very high prices because of lack of competition and transparency.  

Immediate Disruption of Fee Structures 

“Eventually new players entered the market and started to disrupt the dominant players’ pricing models and drive down prices. And today, trading fees on traditional products are only fractions of the level we see in the current crypto market,” says CEO Jan Andersen, CPH Crypto, and continues: 

“Our team knows this because we have our roots in the old trading world. And our declared mission is to disrupt the dominant crypto players by offering our clients fees that are way below the fees of these players. The history evidently repeats itself, only this time traders should not have to wait twenty years before the fees are down to a reasonable level. CPH Crypto has decided to drive down the fees immediately.” 

Watch out for Hidden Fees 

To obtain a complete view of a particular broker’s or exchange’s trading fees, you need to take both commissions and spread into consideration. Traders tend to forget the impact of the spread on the total costs, even though the spread is often where the most significant part of the total fees is hidden, especially when trading on so-called commission-free brokers or exchanges.  

Typically these brokers/exchanges tend to compensate for the lack of fee on commission by heavily increasing the spread – the difference between the bid price and the sales price – which enables them to earn their margin on the spread instead. On top of this, traders should not forget that high fees on money management – like deposits and withdrawal – is also added to the total costs.  

Extreme Price Differences up to 1,249% 

In order to prove the extreme differences in fees between CPH Crypto and four globally dominant trading platforms, CPH Crypto has conducted a line of price comparison based on concrete examples. Four major platforms are Binance, Kraken, Coinbase Pro and eToro, and the examples are based on one month of crypto trading volume of respectively 1,000 USD, 10,000 USD, 200,000 USD and 500,000 USD. In summary the results of the comparisons are:  

By 1,000 USD Per Month  

  • Cheapest platform: CPH Crypto with fees in total: 0.6 USD 
  • Most expensive platform: Coinbase Pro with fees in total: 5.0 USD 
  • Difference 4.4 USD / 733% 

By 10,000 USD Per Month 

  • Cheapest platform: CPH Crypto with fees in total: 6 USD 
  • Most expensive platform: eToro with fees in total: 37.5 USD 
  • Difference: 31.5 USD / 525% 

By 200,000 USD Per Month

  • Cheapest platform: CPH Crypto with fees in total: 79 USD 
  • Most expensive platform: eToro with fees in total: 750 USD 
  • Difference: 671 USD / 849% 

By 500,000 USD Per Month

  • Cheapest platform: CPH Crypto with fees in total: 139 USD 
  • Most expensive platform: eToro with fees in total: 1,875 USD 
  • Difference 1,736 USD / 1,249% 

(Numbers collected in Q2, 2020. Please see this page for more information)

“All-in-one” Fixed Fee. Unlimited Trading for 39 USD/Month 

According to CPH Crypto’s philosophy, traders should only have to focus on their strategy and not on the costs when they trade. That is why CPH Crypto goes against the trend of high trading fees on the crypto market and offers a deep-discount fixed “all-in-one” fee of only 39 USD/month for unlimited trading or a commission of only 0.04 pct. per transaction for single trading.   

To learn more, visit the CPH Crypto website:

Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Jan Andersen

Contact Number: +45 4060 3239

Contact Email:

CPH Crypto is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections. Cryptocurrencies and tokens are extremely volatile. There is no guarantee of a stable value, or of any value at all. 

The post Dominant Trading Platforms Charge Traders up to 13 Times more than CPH Crypto appeared first on NullTX.

Source: null tx

Yolo Investment Firm Makes First Portfolio Exit with 5.8x ROI

investment firm

Bitcoin Press Release: Estonian Fintech investment firm Yolo exits with Coolbet sports betting operator, recording 5.8x ROI. The deal was the first start-to-exit investment for Yolo Investments. 


15th December 2020, Tallinn, EstoniaGaming venture capital firm Yolo Investments (formerly known as Vereeni Investments) exited its investment in Estonia-based online gaming and sports betting operator Coolbet for an impressive 5.8x return. The acquisition of Coolbet by GAN Limited marks the first start-to-exit investment in Yolo’s portfolio.


General Partner and Founder of Yolo Investments Tim Heath said: 


“This is a very significant milestone for all of us at Yolo. It makes us especially proud to have been the early investors for Coolbet, back when we started Vereeni Investments in 2017.”


The funds will be used to reinvest in Yolo’s growing investment portfolio, which spans 46 investments across four funds focused on fintech, gaming and live casino, as well as other related products and services.


Tim continued

“We wish all the best for Coolbet as it takes things to new heights with GAN, and look forward to achieving similar results with the rest of our portfolio, of which many are increasing significantly in valuation.” 


About Yolo Investments

Yolo Investments is a venture capital, focused on seed- and A-stage investment opportunities across gaming and fintech. Based in Estonia, Yolo’s mission is to invest in outstanding people with bright ideas, who are focused on innovating and disrupting the norm in all manner of tech startups. 


Founded in 2017 by Tim Heath as Vereeni Investments, Yolo has created a thriving ecosystem with ventures across a variety of industries, including fintech, gambling, media, software development, crypto and blockchain-related companies. 


Learn more about Yolo Investments


Media Contact Details

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Yolo is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections. Cryptocurrencies and tokens are extremely volatile. There is no guarantee of a stable value, or of any value at all.


About Bitcoin PR Buzz: Bitcoin PR Buzz has been proudly serving the crypto press release distribution needs of blockchain start-ups for over 8 years. Get your Bitcoin Press Release Distribution today.


The post Yolo Investment Firm Makes First Portfolio Exit with 5.8x ROI appeared first on Bitcoin PR Buzz.

Bitcoin PR Buzz – World´s First Crypto PR Agency with 8+ Years, 900+ clients, 1500+ press releases

Source: BPRB Feed

Dominant Trading Platforms Charge Traders up to 13 Times more than CPH Crypto 


Bitcoin Press Release: Recent calculations clearly document that the dominant crypto trading platforms are up to 13 times more expensive for active crypto traders to use than the new Scandinavian exchange CPH Crypto.  


16th December 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark – Every swing trader, day trader and scalper in the crypto market knows the importance of trading fees and how those fees often make it extremely difficult to pursue trading strategies based on high-frequency trading. It’s commonly known among traders that cost simply kills profit. 


Lack of competition and transparency prevents traders to profit. The problem is simple: Up until now, the competition on fees in the crypto trading market has been virtually absent, and the dominant trading platforms have been able to charge exorbitant transaction fees and get away with opaque pricing structures, which has made it extremely difficult for customers to figure out what they are actually paying in total for the services they are using.  


The reason for the problem is immaturity in the crypto market. Going back twenty years, the traditional stock, bond and FX market was on the same stage of development as the crypto market is today, and similar to the crypto market, the traditional market was dominated by few very big players that were able to charge very high prices because of lack of competition and transparency.  


Immediate Disruption of Fee Structures 

“Eventually new players entered the market and started to disrupt the dominant players’ pricing models and drive down prices. And today, trading fees on traditional products are only fractions of the level we see in the current crypto market,”


says CEO Jan Andersen, CPH Crypto, who continues:


“Our team knows this because we have our roots in the old trading world. And our declared mission is to disrupt the dominant crypto players by offering our clients fees that are way below the fees of these players. The history evidently repeats itself, only this time traders should not have to wait twenty years before the fees are down to a reasonable level. CPH Crypto has decided to drive down the fees immediately.” 


Watch out for Hidden Fees 

To obtain a complete view of a particular broker’s or exchange’s trading fees, you need to take both commissions and spread into consideration. Traders tend to forget the impact of the spread on the total costs, even though the spread is often where the most significant part of the total fees is hidden, especially when trading on so-called commission-free brokers or exchanges.  

Typically these brokers/exchanges tend to compensate for the lack of fee on commission by heavily increasing the spread – the difference between the bid price and the sales price – which enables them to earn their margin on the spread instead. On top of this, traders should not forget that high fees on money management – like deposits and withdrawal – is also added to the total costs.  


Extreme Price Differences up to 1,249% 

In order to prove the extreme differences in fees between CPH Crypto and four globally dominant trading platforms, CPH Crypto has conducted a line of price comparison based on concrete examples. Four major platforms are Binance, Kraken, Coinbase Pro and eToro, and the examples are based on one month of crypto trading volume of respectively 1,000 USD, 10,000 USD, 200,000 USD and 500,000 USD. In summary the results of the comparisons are:  


By 1,000 USD Per Month  

  • Cheapest platform: CPH Crypto with fees in total: 0.6 USD 
  • Most expensive platform: Coinbase Pro with fees in total: 5.0 USD 
  • Difference 4.4 USD / 733% 


By 10,000 USD Per Month 

  • Cheapest platform: CPH Crypto with fees in total: 6 USD 
  • Most expensive platform: eToro with fees in total: 37.5 USD 
  • Difference: 31.5 USD / 525% 


By 200,000 USD Per Month

  • Cheapest platform: CPH Crypto with fees in total: 79 USD 
  • Most expensive platform: eToro with fees in total: 750 USD 
  • Difference: 671 USD / 849% 


By 500,000 USD Per Month

  • Cheapest platform: CPH Crypto with fees in total: 139 USD 
  • Most expensive platform: eToro with fees in total: 1,875 USD 
  • Difference 1,736 USD / 1,249% 

(Numbers collected in Q2, 2020. Please see this page for more information)


“All-in-one” Fixed Fee. Unlimited Trading for 39 USD/Month 

According to CPH Crypto’s philosophy, traders should only have to focus on their strategy and not on the costs when they trade. That is why CPH Crypto goes against the trend of high trading fees on the crypto market and offers a deep-discount fixed “all-in-one” fee of only 39 USD/month for unlimited trading or a commission of only 0.04 pct. per transaction for single trading.   


To learn more, visit the CPH Crypto website:


Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Jan Andersen

Contact Number: +45 4060 3239

Contact Email:


CPH Crypto is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections. Cryptocurrencies and tokens are extremely volatile. There is no guarantee of a stable value, or of any value at all. 


The post Dominant Trading Platforms Charge Traders up to 13 Times more than CPH Crypto  appeared first on Bitcoin PR Buzz.

Bitcoin PR Buzz – World´s First Crypto PR Agency with 8+ Years, 900+ clients, 1500+ press releases

Source: BPRB Feed

The World’s First HashRate-standardized Mining Platform BitFuFu Launches on December 15th, 2020

BitFuFu will launch the world’s first HashRate-standardized mining platform on 15th of December 2020, representing a huge evolution in the industry.  

15th December 2020, New York, NY – BitFuFu, the first HashRate-standardized mining platform in the world will provide users with HashRate-standardized cloud mining product services, and enable users to buy BTC with one-click ordering. 

Through Chaos Comes Order

Today the cloud mining industry is piled up with service providers, and a huge variety of platforms. Pricing of HashRate contracts varies from platform to platform, and users are plagued by multiple variables. 

Although somewhat developed over the last several years, the industry is still unable to provide direct service for the user’s core demand – “mining out”. The industry is in urgent need of standardization of mining output, transparent measurement, but the current “standardization” only lies in the “draft”, or “slogan”

Standardization – A Must for Commodity Trading 

For users, commodity standardization avoids cluttered conditions and multiple variable factors and only requires attention to commodity price changes. Commodity standardization enhances the transparency of commodity prices, creates industry standards, reduces information asymmetry between trading parties, and increases industry openness. Similarly, the standardization of HashRate as an abstract digital commodity after the creation of Bitcoin is the way to go for better circulation in the future.  

Standardization of HashRate: A Mining Industry Breakthrough

Right now the core inspection index of mining machine output, (energy consumption, or J/T) is the only indicator of product standardization. However the energy efficiency ratio (J/T) of each brand and model of mining machine currently on the market all vary. 

BitFuFu is the first concept of standardization of mining HashRate, with multiple models of mining series equipment proportioned into a unified standard power consumption (energy efficiency ratio) BitFuFu’s different models are made with similar energy efficiency ratios through its efficient HashRate allocation center, to become standardized products with 30, 40 and 50 power consumption series of HashRate. 

This allows users to focus solely on the energy efficiency ratio of each series to trade, rather than multiple factors. BitFuFu standardized products of HashRate will represent an effective breakthrough for the mining industry. 

Users will be able to intuitively make calculations and selections for mining output. This will bring more efficient trading and liquidity of HashRate products will promote the healthy development of the industry, and all involved in it. 

Cloud Mining Capabilities

The BitFuFu platform also has all the generic advantages of a cloud computing platform, including:

  • Transparency of mining output. 
  • The experience of the industry’s most top mining pools output directly to the user’s wallet, with real mining.
  • Flexibility of HashRate selection 
  • A choice of packages with a minimum of 10T of the strongest computing power in different series
  • Ultra-low thresholds; Security of purchase and lease 
  • Use of equipment from leading mining machine manufacturers

BitFuFu Launch With 50BTC Discount Package

The platform will be launched to promote the 30/40/50 series mining products, covering star mining machines such as S19pro, S19 and M30S in the market. Preferential activities include: 

  • Free mining, start with one click  
  • All registered users can receive a free “$ yuan for 10T” product, and experience the BitFuFu platform’s standardized product with real mining power with just $2. 
  • 50% discount on the 50 series 20T*3 days package. 

Additionally the most significant discount on the “30 series” products include Ant Mining Machine S19Pro model, S19 model and other mining machine models will be made on the day of platform launch, so stay tuned.

Join The Community to Enjoy Greater Discounts 

Interested parties can join the official BitFuFu global community now to take advantage of a special offer on 40 series HashRate products. Everyone can be a miner, and make money by inviting others to BitFuFu for rewards. The maximum reward for inviting friends is 5% and there is no upper limit for a single reward. 

Learn more about BitFuFu –

Follow BitFuFu on Twitter  –

Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Doris Yu

Contact Email:

BitFuFu is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections. Cryptocurrencies and tokens are extremely volatile. There is no guarantee of a stable value, or of any value at all.

The post The World’s First HashRate-standardized Mining Platform BitFuFu Launches on December 15th, 2020 appeared first on NullTX.

Source: null tx

CoinsLoot Launch World’s First Crypto Loot Boxes, with 10% Free Crypto, Prizes and Staking Rewards


Bitcoin Press Release: CoinsLoot is launching the world’s first crypto Loot Boxes with free crypto, big prizes, and native LOOT token rewards, with IEO running until 24/12/2020. 

15th December, 2020, Saint Vincent – CoinsLoot is a decentralized crypto platform offering a range of benefits for gamers, investors and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. For the first time ever, users can purchase Loot Boxes with ERC-20 tokens to reveal a secret selection of cryptocurrencies and huge prizes, like the Tesla model X. Anyone can buy the platform’s native LOOT token from the IEO and stake them to earn rewards on every Loot Box transaction. The boxes use a provably fair algorithm to guarantee safety and fair returns. 


Crypto Loot Boxes

The CoinsLoot cryptocurrency Loot Boxes offer the average crypto enthusiast a much easier way to own an instant crypto portfolio, and spend that portfolio on real life items and services. Each CoinsLoot crypto box has multiple cryptocurrencies inside, a no-loss guarantee, and up to 10% free cryptocurrency included.

The value of each Loot Box is determined by the value of the ERC-20 token used to open that box. But what if users buy a Bitcoin Loot Box and don’t like the prize inside? Well the CoinsLoot Box uses a spin mechanism that reveals the prize in the form of a card. If users get a prize that they don’t like they will get another spin and a chance at a different prize. 


CoinsLoot leading The Way

Loot boxes from leading mainstream gaming providers offer their users virtual items like skins, weapons, and various other mods, and with EA and Activision earning over a Billion dollars per quarter each, it’s easy to see the market potential. By comparison, CoinsLoot Boxes offer so much more, with spendable cryptocurrency, real world prizes and bonuses in each one. 

Aside from the benefit of getting a spendable currency from a Loot Box, the transparency, guaranteed returns and prizes offered by CoinsLoot’s provably fair algorithm set it aside from the main players. Given the reputation of some loot boxes on the market, perhaps this more transparent and trustworthy approach could offer a huge benefit to a market expected to break into the hundred billion mark in the coming years. 


Stake LOOT And Start Earning Today 

One of the most pivotal aspects of CoinsLoot is LOOT staking. Anyone can buy and stake LOOT tokens to earn a profit on every single transaction that occurs from opened Loot boxes. The more LOOT staked by a user, the higher returns they will see. And with 100% of the profit from the staking going to LOOT holders – What more could be offered? 

The total supply of CoinsLoot’s ERC-20 token is 100 million. The token supplied is reserved as follows: 

  • 70 million allocated to the IEO sales
  • 15 million for the team and founders
  • 10 million for influencers & advisors
  • 5 million for the bounty and airdrop


Any users who refer others will get a 10% commission from all referrals. To further grow the LOOT community and encourage investment, CoinsLoot will be giving anyone who spends $2,000 USD on LOOT an additional 10% in tokens. 

Right now the IEO is in the 2nd stage, which will end on December 24th, and is being held exclusively on the CoinCasso Exchange. 12 million LOOT is available for only $0.07 per token, with the full break down below:

  • Stage 1 – 02/12/20 – 11/12/20 – 11,000,000 LOOT at $0.06
  • Stage 2 – 14/12/20 – 23/12/20 – 12,000,000 LOOT at $0.07 
  • Stage 3 – 24/12/20 – 02/01/21 – 13,000,000 LOOT at $0.08
  • Stage 4 – 03/01/21 – 31/01/21 – 14,000,000 LOOT at $0.09 
  • Stage 5 – 01/02/21 – 28/02/21 – 15,000,000 LOOT at $0.10 


Join the IEO today and get involved in the future of LOOT boxes!


Learn more about CoinsLoot

Join the CoinsLoot IEO today, until the  –

Check out the whitepaper

Find CoinsLoot on Facebook

Follow CoinsLoot on Instagram

Join the CoinsLoot Community on Telegram


Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Arty Bryja

Contact Email:


CoinsLoot is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections. Cryptocurrencies and tokens are extremely volatile. There is no guarantee of a stable value, or of any value at all.


About Bitcoin PR Buzz: Bitcoin PR Buzz has been proudly serving the crypto press release distribution needs of blockchain start-ups for over 8 years. Get your Bitcoin Press Release Distribution today.


The post CoinsLoot Launch World’s First Crypto Loot Boxes, with 10% Free Crypto, Prizes and Staking Rewards appeared first on Bitcoin PR Buzz.

Bitcoin PR Buzz – World´s First Crypto PR Agency with 8+ Years, 900+ clients, 1500+ press releases

Source: BPRB Feed

Set a Good Price, and Make Extra Profit with the Remitano Top Ads Bonus Program


Bitcoin Press Release: P2P crypto exchange Remitano announce details of their Top Ads Bonus program, where market makers can earn USDT for placing attractive orders.


15th December 2020 – A cryptocurrency exchange provides a platform for people to buy/sell cryptocurrencies in a safe environment. An exchange is only functional if there are enough people to trade, especially if it’s a P2P exchange. The market makers are the category of traders that provides liquidity for the exchange, by placing buy/sell ads on the platform. This liquidity is what makes an exchange functional.


Remitano Top Ads Bonus Program

Remitano is a P2P crypto exchange, as such; the market makers determine the prices of cryptocurrencies. Remitano is encouraging market makers to offer more competitive prices by giving bonuses to those makers whose Ad appears as Top Ads (based on its price attractiveness).

For this reason, Remitano wants to show recognition and gratitude to the “top P2P makers” by launching the Remitano Top Ads Bonus program. This will give top P2P market makers an amazing chance to get a bonus on every minute of Buying/Selling Ads.

  • Joining time: 01 Nov – 31 Dec 2020
  • For Malaysian traders only

Bonus: During the activity period, all of the P2P makers who buy or sell Bitcoin in Malaysia with buying/selling Ads listed in the top 5 will be eligible to receive 0.003 USDT for every minute in which their Ads maintain on the top 5. 


Who are the Market Markers?

These are the people that place their buy/sell ads on the Remitano platform for interested persons to select and begin trade. The market markers set the tone for the market because if their prices are attractive, there will be more frequent transactions. E.g if the market makers place a sell bitcoin Ad that is competitive with other exchanges, it will drive transaction volume, same with market markers that puts an attractive buy bitcoin Ad.


5 Reasons to Trade Cryptocurrency on Remitano

  1. The Remitano P2P platform can be accessed from over 40 countries worldwide and counting. That means users can access a more global market, and even transfer money internationally on Remitano.
  2. Remitano also has a fiat wallet feature for some select countries and counting. With this feature users can sell their coins anytime of the day, and withdraw anytime of the day.
  3. The Remitano platform also has robust security architecture, with constant improvement of the user interface to meet the expectations of their users.
  4. Remitano also has a 24/7 professional customer support team from diverse backgrounds to swiftly resolve all trade disputes.
  5. Apart from making money while users trade, Remitano also has lots of exciting minigame activities that will help users learn a lot about the crypto world, and win some cash prizes at the end.


About Remitano 

Remitano is a product of Babylons Solutions Limited based in Seychelles. Remitano’s mission is to offer a robust, quality trading experience to all users as a fast-moving marketplace. With necessary safety standards in place, buyers and sellers can come together, store, trade, and withdraw assets, thus avoiding issues common to other crypto exchanges.


Launched in 2014, Remitano is a global cryptocurrency exchange serving international markets, such as Malaysia, China, Nigeria, Vietnam, Australia, Cambodia, and Indonesia.


To earn USDT, visit the Remitano website today!


Click here to buy Bitcoins in Malaysia.

Join Remitano on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and LinkedIn.


Media Contact Details

Contact Email 1:

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Remitano is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections. 

About Bitcoin PR Buzz: Bitcoin PR Buzz has been proudly serving the crypto press release distribution needs of blockchain start-ups for over 8 years. Get your Bitcoin Press Release Distribution today.


The post Set a Good Price, and Make Extra Profit with the Remitano Top Ads Bonus Program appeared first on Bitcoin PR Buzz.

Bitcoin PR Buzz – World´s First Crypto PR Agency with 8+ Years, 900+ clients, 1500+ press releases

Source: BPRB Feed

dCloud Storage Platform SINOVATE & Blockchain Marketing Agency Bitcoin PR Buzz Announce Partnership


14th December 2020, Turkey – dCloud storage platform SINOVATE and veteran crypto marketing agency Bitcoin PR Buzz announce a key partnership to highlight the increasing need for a more viable long-term dCloud data solution, and reinforce the importance of industry partnerships for the adoption of dCloud worldwide.


What is SINOVATE? 

SINOVATE (SIN) is open-source state of the art community-driven digital cryptocurrency, and 

decentralized cloud data storage platform. Voted ‘Most Exciting Data Protocol’ at HackerNoon Noonies 2020, SINOVATE has developed its in-house DIN technology with the aid of Incorruptible Data Storage (IDS) to bring the dCloud market a solution like nothing seen before. 


IDS is the SINOVATE decentralized private cloud network mechanism for sending, storing, and verifying encrypted data files. IDS uses the ‘MINI SIN’ Infinity Node Layer and blockchain architecture to process and store data. 


Realising the need to improve upon existing and inefficient models of masternode storage, SINOVATE have released their fully in-house designed and written masternode structure, DIN. DIN’s code has been designed to work in perfect harmony with IDS, which needs the nodes to store and transfer decentralized data. This means that the node is provably fair with its rewards, removing the potential for chain splits, as on-chain nodes Schnorr MuSig instead of dated BLS signatures.


SINOVATE’s DIN & IDS provide an impregnable foundation for countless other projects to build their solution on, offering superior security to anything seen before. Highly secure decentralized data storage and transfer equates for a massive use-case for any startup requiring fast, secure data storage: That is just about every company in today’s modern world. 


SIN coin rewards provide the two-pronged benefit of incentivising users to maintain nodes, stimulate healthy network growth and stability. The Proof of Burn feature mitigates against token dumping and counteracts the inflationary issues seen in similar projects, whilst having no limit to the number of nodes on the network addresses any questions about scalability. 


Bitcoin PR Buzz – Industry Recognised

Founded in 2012, Bitcoin PR Buzz is a leading crypto marketing agency and an early pioneer for Bitcoin mass adoption, helping to give a voice to some of the first disruptive projects in the crypto-sphere. The company works with emerging innovative projects, helping them to break-out into the global market by leveraging its strong, long-term partnerships with major blockchain, mainstream, and fintech media providers across the globe. 


In September 2020 Bitcoin PR Buzz helped Bridge.Link to sell out its 8 Million USD IEO in 6 hours, and In 2017 Bitcoin PR Buzz helped payment protection provider UTRUST to secure the $21 Million USD Hardcap target for its ICO. Other notable work includes a long-term relationship with blockchain heavyweight ARK, and a partnership spanning over 5 years with online gaming industry leader Coingaming. 


SINOVATE for Mass Adoption

Bitcoin PR Buzz has worked with over 850 companies across industries including blockchain, e-commerce, gambling, trading, pharmaceutical/medical, and gaming – but it is in its long-term industry partnerships that it sees the most value for blockchain mass adoption. 


The Bitcoin PR Buzz and SINOVATE partnership will create a launchpad to educate the market about the potentially groundbreaking Deterministic Infinity Node (DIN) technology, how it could completely revolutionize the data storage market, and reinforce the the importance of industry partnerships in order to achieve the mass adoption of blockchain technology.


SINOVATE Blockchain Developers 

SINOVATE’s rise in the dCloud Industry is largely thanks to its innovative blockchain developers

Xuantan Nguyen (Xtdev) and Giacomo Milligan. (Giaki3003/SINTOSHIS)


Xtdev is a highly experienced Big data and data mining specialist. He is also the innovator of Deterministic Infinity Nodes and one of the lead developers and Master SINOVATORS of SIN.


Giaki3003 is the second lead developer on SINOVATE team and fellow Master SINOVATOR. He is also a highly experienced blockchain core developer, as well as Innovator of the upcoming PoS4 custom proof-of-stake algorithm, and hybrid consensus. 


Together they make a uniquely experienced and highly skilled duo and creators of the technical evolution that is SINOVATE. 


Looking Ahead for SINOVATE

SINOVATE launched its innovative Deterministic Infinity Nodes (DIN) 1.0 via hard-fork on November 21st 2020, and already has an impressive 1450+ nodes running perfectly, with expectations to increase this to 5,000+ nodes by mid-2021. This next milestone is expected to coincide with the next big hard-fork BETELGEUSE, which will see many of the exciting IDS-based (dCloud, blockchain mail, SIN mobile messenger) solutions with launch in Q2, 2021. DIN’s code is likelyto become the reference point amongst masternode structured coins as the standard.


The first iteration of IDS-based solutions will include the potential functionality of “datastore” for file-saving on the DIN blockchain provided by bFTP protocol, the sending of mails on anonymous way with SIN Mobile messenger, and updates like the fourth generation of Proof-of-Stake (PoS) that will allow to add passive incomes alongside DIN and the HCO program.


For more information about SINOVATE, please visit

Join the conversation on Discord

Official SINOVATE Telegram Channel –

Official SINOVATE Medium

Keep up to date on Twitter


Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Alex Thurston

Contact Email:


SINOVATE is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections. Cryptocurrencies and tokens are extremely volatile. There is no guarantee of a stable value, or of any value at all.


About Bitcoin PR Buzz: Bitcoin PR Buzz has been proudly serving the crypto press release distribution needs of blockchain start-ups for over 8 years. Get your Bitcoin Press Release Distribution today.


The post dCloud Storage Platform SINOVATE & Blockchain Marketing Agency Bitcoin PR Buzz Announce Partnership appeared first on Bitcoin PR Buzz.

Bitcoin PR Buzz – World´s First Crypto PR Agency with 8+ Years, 900+ clients, 1500+ press releases

Source: BPRB Feed

Elrond Announces Wallet and Global Payments App Launch on 31st January 2021

Bitcoin Press Release: Elrond Network has set the global launch date for the digital wallet and global payments app Maiar to be on 31 January 2021.


4th December 2020, St Julian’s, Malta – Maiar, the digital wallet app for iOS and Android devices, provides financial services such as payments, investments, and passive earning. The application does not require any subscription or paperwork, does not collect any personal information, and uses Elrond’s high throughput and inexpensive blockchain technology to provide near-instant transfers all over the world.


Maiar stands out from other blockchain-based wallets, which require writing down complex 24 words passwords, and other un-intuitive sign-up procedures, that are unappealing for non-technical users and dissuade newcomers.


By contrast, Maiar creates a unique and secure account on the Elrond blockchain using a cryptographic hash of the user’s phone number, without the phone number leaving the device. At the end of a few seconds, the user has a usable blockchain wallet for sending and receiving money using their phone address book.


Through gamification and progressive security, the user is further encouraged to strengthen security, add a pin, biometric authentication, and encrypted backups. Maiar will also implement social recovery, allowing users to restore their wallets on a new device using their trusted contacts.


Maiar thus becomes the decentralized version of popular apps such as PayPal, Venmo, Revolut, and Google Pay, offering the same features but without collecting any personal information, and charging negligible fixed fees instead of a percentage of the transacted value.


The first killer app running on Elrond is the spearhead of the network’s accelerated expansion. Touting the first fully sharded blockchain architecture that can operate at internet scale, Elrond thus positions itself for accelerated user acquisition at the height of what is expected to be the most impressive bull market since 2017.


To find out more, visit the Elrond website at


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Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Lucian Todea 

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Elrond is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections. Cryptocurrencies and tokens are extremely volatile. There is no guarantee of a stable value, or of any value at all.


About Bitcoin PR Buzz: Bitcoin PR Buzz has been proudly serving the crypto press release distribution needs of blockchain start-ups for over 8 years. Get your Bitcoin Press Release Distribution today.

The post Elrond Announces Wallet and Global Payments App Launch on 31st January 2021 appeared first on Bitcoin PR Buzz.

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Source: BPRB Feed

Elrond Announces Wallet and Global Payments App Launch on 31st January 2021

Bitcoin Press Release: Elrond Network has set the global launch date for the digital wallet and global payments app Maiar to be on 31 January 2021.

4th December 2020, St Julian’s, Malta – Maiar, the digital wallet app for iOS and Android devices, provides financial services such as payments, investments, and passive earning. The application does not require any subscription or paperwork, does not collect any personal information, and uses Elrond’s high throughput and inexpensive blockchain technology to provide near-instant transfers all over the world.

Maiar stands out from other blockchain-based wallets, which require writing down complex 24 words passwords, and other un-intuitive sign-up procedures, that are unappealing for non-technical users and dissuade newcomers.

By contrast, Maiar creates a unique and secure account on the Elrond blockchain using a cryptographic hash of the user’s phone number, without the phone number leaving the device. At the end of a few seconds, the user has a usable blockchain wallet for sending and receiving money using their phone address book.

Through gamification and progressive security, the user is further encouraged to strengthen security, add a pin, biometric authentication, and encrypted backups. Maiar will also implement social recovery, allowing users to restore their wallets on a new device using their trusted contacts.

Maiar thus becomes the decentralized version of popular apps such as PayPal, Venmo, Revolut, and Google Pay, offering the same features but without collecting any personal information, and charging negligible fixed fees instead of a percentage of the transacted value.

The first killer app running on Elrond is the spearhead of the network’s accelerated expansion. Touting the first fully sharded blockchain architecture that can operate at internet scale, Elrond thus positions itself for accelerated user acquisition at the height of what is expected to be the most impressive bull market since 2017.

To find out more, visit the Elrond website at

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Keep up with Elrond on Twitter:

Media Contact Details

Contact Name: Lucian Todea 

Contact Email:

Elrond is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute investment advice or an offer to invest. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections. Cryptocurrencies and tokens are extremely volatile. There is no guarantee of a stable value, or of any value at all.

About Bitcoin PR Buzz: Bitcoin PR Buzz has been proudly serving the crypto press release distribution needs of blockchain start-ups for over 8 years. Get your Bitcoin Press Release Distribution today.

The post Elrond Announces Wallet and Global Payments App Launch on 31st January 2021 appeared first on NullTX.

Source: null tx

5 Reasons Why Crypto Casinos are Becoming More Popular

3rd December 2020, Limassol, Cyprus – Gambling has been on the rise over the years, with many more people participating every day. While it started with physical casinos, it has evolved into online cryptocurrency casinos. These online casinos are becoming more popular than their physical counterparts, for a number of reasons. The following are five of the reasons why this trend is growing rapidly.


To enter land-based casinos is to make personal data vulnerable: you have to share sensitive information such as your name, age, ID documents, banking information, and sometimes even your passport depending on where you are playing.

But you won’t need it all to play in crypto casinos because cryptocurrencies are based on decentralized public blockchains that make transactions fully anonymous.

While this started with Bitcoin, there are now many other cryptocurrencies that are created with privacy in mind. These are known as privacy coins, and some of them are now used for gambling, further safeguarding the privacy of users of these platforms. This is likely to attract more people as time goes on.

Lots of Bonuses Available on Crypto Casinos

Bonuses are part of casinos, including physical ones. However, crypto casinos give more bonuses to its users by far. There are millions of people across the world who are curious about the cryptocurrency industry, but they are afraid to use their money to buy crypto. By gambling online, they stand a good chance of winning some significant cryptocurrency bonuses that could help them build their crypto portfolios fast. 

No Restrictions on Participation

Physical locations are a major hindrance when it comes to gambling. This is why it is worth mentioning that crypto casinos allow anyone and everyone from any part of the world to participate without any geographical restrictions. There are even online casinos that restrict players from certain parts of the world from using their platforms, but this is not the case with crypto casinos. This, of course, gives this category of casinos an edge over the others and is one of the reasons that they are getting rapidly popular.

Crypto Casinos Are Safe and Secure 

The government all over the world is always trying to participate in the activities of citizens. This is the case with brick and mortar casinos and some of the regulated online casinos. With cryptocurrency casinos, however, users are completely safe due to the fact that they are fully anonymous. This makes it impossible to track their activities, and so they can safely carry out their transactions without any form of interference from the government or regulators.

Security is also a major issue for gamblers when they carry physical cash or other rewards. With crypto casinos, rewards are withdrawn directly to users’ personal wallets with no middleman whatsoever. This makes it impossible for anyone to attack you or steal from you, as is the case with physical casinos. It also keeps you safe, as your payment details, such as credit card number, cannot be traced back to you.

Everyone Wants a Piece of Crypto

Cryptocurrencies have come a long way from highly controversial assets to much sort after digital currency. Corporate mainstream organizations have recently been trooping to Bitcoin as an investment. It is for this same reason that Bitcoin casinos are becoming more popular. Many people now consider cryptocurrencies as superior to fiat currencies, such as the U.S Dollar, and they want a piece of it. Therefore, many gamblers are rushing to these crypto casinos in order to win rewards in cryptocurrencies, and this trend is not likely to slow down soon.

There has never been a better time for crypto casinos to shine, and leading crypto casino 1xBit is one of the best examples. All the advantages of crypto casinos enumerated above can be enjoyed on this platform and more. New users can get up to 7 BTC sign up bonus for the first 4 deposits, and there are more than 25 cryptocurrencies available to choose from.

The platform is completely anonymous, as the simple registration process does not require any personal details. Players can also easily withdraw their rewards to their personal wallets without paying any fees. 


If you have been contemplating on whether or not to use crypto casinos, it may be the best decision you ever made at this time to do so. If you sign up on 1xBit, you will enjoy the many benefits of using cryptocurrency casinos instead of regular online casinos or physical ones.

For more information about 1xBit, please visit

Check out the official 1xBit blog for the latest articles

Media Contact Details

Contact name: Anastasia Semenova


1xBit is the source of this content. This Press Release is for informational purposes only. Virtual currency is not legal tender, is not backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are not subject to consumer protections. Cryptocurrencies and tokens are extremely volatile. There is no guarantee of a stable value, or of any value at all.

The post 5 Reasons Why Crypto Casinos are Becoming More Popular appeared first on NullTX.

Source: null tx